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A Beginner’s Guide to Snorkeling Part I: The Equipment
E komo mai, ocean adventurers! (Welcome!) This is your snorkeling guide. Are you interested in snorkeling? Maybe you’ve haven’t yet tried the sport. Perhaps you last spent time on the surface of the ocean years ago. Or, you may already consider yourself an expert! Wherever you’re floating on the snorkeling spectrum, you’re likely to discover some helpful information below. I’veRead more

Top 5 Can’t-Miss Kauai Beaches
There’s always a lot to do when planning a vacation, so we’ve taken the guesswork out of the Kauai beaches for you. Here are our top 5, in no particular order – just like relaxing island time should be. Happy dreaming! [youtube] Ke’e Beach I love this beach because it feels wild and remote. Ke’e is the last ofRead more

Kilauea Lighthouse and the Seabirds That Surround It
I was flown to Kauai Island for a business trip in the summer of 2016. My main objective was to explore and document the popular beaches both above and underwater, in order to create a nice reference page for anyone traveling to the island for a vacation. (I hope you it serves you well; we worked really hard to ensureRead more

Hanalei Bay – The Ocean, the Stream, and the Dragon View
Hanalei Bay on Kauai is one of the most beautiful places I have had the privilege to visit. The large aquamarine bay is surrounded by brilliant green mountains, and the golden sand beach is two miles long. If you want to take one of the best panoramic shots ever, I highly recommend this particular place on the planet. The monthRead more